Use the link below to register your child for our middle school youth ministry activities!
The main focus of Middle School Youth Ministry is to develop the faith formation of young people within our parish. This ministry is designed to provide opportunities for youths to share Christian fellowship with others, participate in service projects and deepen their faith while making friends and having fun. Adults work together as a core team to develop topics and materials relevant to youth culture and Church teachings.
We affirm the gifts of our youth and we foster opportunities for young people to share their gifts with the larger community. The spiritual and social needs of the youth are to be met with the committed leadership, guidance and support of our parish adults. The benefit is to form and inform the youth in the parish in order to prepare them to become leaders in their own communities in such a way that they become witnesses of Christ and evangelizers to their fellow youth. The adults and youth of our parish are therefore provided with the opportunity to grow together in Christian faith.